Tue Bach

I used to do advertising. Then I was a chef apprentice. All of a sudden I ran around Ved Stranden 10, opened La Banchina with Christer and finally opened Volatil in 2017 with four friends. Now we also have Steffi Graf and a share in LAGO. Married, two kids. Living in Permatopia.


» I can buy a banana and a dirty filter coffee there and still feel semi-hip. LÅLZ. «


fine dining
» I have huge respect for the culinary practice at JATAK; the way they create their unique culinary storytelling, based on Mr. Tam and the team's cultural background, is just so inspiring. JATAK is definitely one of the restaurants contributing a lot to Copenhagen's food scene with its practice and existence itself. «

Dünyam Shawarma House

» I always go for a falafel durum at Dünyam Shawarma House on Istedgade. Is it good? I think it's just above mediocre (and therefore there is never a queue there), but that little booth in the back is the sweetest spot to eat out in Copenhagen. And they buy shitloads of our wine. Haha. No, they don't. «


restaurant, italian
» There is something about Circolo that is just so cool. Maybe it's the carpet? And the food is a little ugly in the best possible way. I'm a fan. I don't sell wines to them either, though. Why I am not pushing my clients in here? Isn't that what wine importers do?! «

Bottega Estadio

dinner, fish, latin american
» The best, and most fun, oysters in town. The oyster shooters are just delicious (I recommend asking for a shot of vodka or mescal to mix with the leftovers), the dishes and wines are great and, for a Margarita lover like me, the spicy margarita is a great finish (or start!). The staff is just lovely too! «


pizza, take away
» I used to live dangerously close to SURT. Their pizzas are just ridiculously good. And I don't sell wines to them, so I'm not saying it to suck up to them. Haha. «

Tue Bach

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