Julia Prokopenko

Julia's Food Feels
Jeg er kok, madformidler og fortaler for at se mad som multifunktionelt. Min medfødte passion for mad startede fra jeg var 6 år, hvor jeg begyndte at bruge min efterskoletid på at lave mad derhjemme. Min kærlighed til mad altid været forbundet med en forståelse af, at det kan påvirke mennesker, relationer og eget velbefindende.

Nordic Roasting Co

» Scandinavian simplicity in a nutshell; not only is the coffee excellent with their actual roasting ‘factory’ in the back, but they also serve other well crafted other creamy beverages. Aga, the brewer, is doing everything to perfection despite only 5 seats available. «


Chr. Havn
» A non-pretentious place, that finds a delicate balance between finesse and a homely vibe in both what it serves but also HOW it serves. Storytelling that is neither too long or short; hungry neighbours at the long, robust wooden tables; food that is honest, tasty and generous (a hard to find combination in our capital, nowadays). «

Julia Prokopenko

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