Le Sud Baby

Amator x Dave Harrison & Jenna Lundh
Sun May 19 / Østerbro

« Le Sud, baby! » dinner w/ Dave Harrison & Jenna Lundh


Psyche Organic & Le Creuset present « Le Sud, baby! » which is our first dinner paying homage to the culture of the European south.

This could happen anywhere between Algarve and Rodos. Our first stop is probably somewhere on the boarder of Spain and France. Yo, it’s actually in Østerbro and our American friend Dave who happens to be an amazing chef will serve his Basque inspired and Psyche Organic drizzled menu. His Swedish love Jenna Lundh will present a generous pairing inspired by feasts under a naked sky as Polish people would say. Last but mos def not least Brain One will make some solid wax spin to bring Psyche Café vibrations back to Copenhagen.

menu by Dave Harrison

w/ pairing by Jenna Lundh

panisse & saffron aioli

anchoïade & crudités

herring & mussel escabeche

green beans, piperade & eggs

braised fennel, olives & citrus

txangurro à la donostiarra

basque meatballs, cuttlefish & green peas

apricot tarte with lavender


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