Jack Forsmann

Head Chef & Manager
My love to food and beers brought me to this little brewery in the heart of Copenhagen. Before ending up here, I've been working in France, Spain and Ireland.


fish, shop
» I love to cook with fish and on Rantzausgade there is a small fish store called Sømunken. I can always find something interesting and at the same time have a small chat with Christoffer who owns it. «


indre by
» A cozy little beer bar close to us. A very good selection of beers in cans or draft. The bartender is always ready for meaningful discussion. «

Det Ny Scala

» Give me some dices, beers and friends. «

Rouge Oysters

crabtoast, natural wine, oysters, video
» After a long day at work and before going home, I'm often passing by Rouge. To get a glass of wine, have a talk with Birk or listen to some music. Occasionally, I’ll bring my own records for the turntable. Just simply love it. «

Told & Snaps

danish, smørrebrød
indre by
» Been coming here for the last 10 years. Tasty smørrebrød and of course snaps. My daughter (she is 7) also like to join me. It's like coming home. «

Jack Forsmann

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