
Møllegade 1, nørrebro

Industry Recommendation:
» Fairly spicy sandwiches, just the way I like it. The flavors they put in their sandwiches are straightforward, and they also got the best juicy wines to go with those mouthwatering meals. «
Samuel Tobing
La Tre Street Kitchen
Industry Recommendation:
» I'm a sucker for a good sandwich and they make a good sandwich. They only make a fried chicken or fried tofu sandwich, both can be spicy or nonspicy. I love it because you can't get a sandwich like that in the city. The Tiramisu dessert and Kombucha are also very good! I unapologetically eat here a few times a month because I love to eat this after a long walk. «
Rosio Sanchez
Møllegade 1, nørrebro
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