Guldbergsgade 29, nørrebro
» After 2 years in Aarhus I moved back to Copenhagen, and lived in Nørrebro for half a year before moving back to my beloved Amager. In Nørrebro there wasn't a week where I didn't go to Brus for one of the great ToØl beers, a few bar snacks, their fermented fries and to hang out outside. Now and then I still go back here, just to reminisce the good old days before fatherhood ;) «
Stig Thorsteinsson
» It has the vibe of some of the beautifully designed, yet relaxed, craft beer bars I remember from NYC. To Øl has created a great environment and I can't wait to stop by for a beer when things are back to normal. «
Cory Smith
Food & Beer
» Fresh beers, heaps of taps, and loads of different styles and flavors of beers. The kitchen has some great dishes too. «
Klaus Thomsen
Coffee Collective


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