
Baggesensgade 9, nørrebro
» Safari is absolutely wonderful, the vibe is fresh and vibrant, and the food is great. It's usually the first place I go to when I'm in Denmark. «
Rasmus Lund Jonasson
Espehus Kro
» I’ve spend a lot of my monday nights at Safari. Start off easy with their legendary romesco and bread, get a bottle of wine recommended from the friendly staff and power up with the hard-hitting hip hop playlist. Respect their rules, and you’ll have a blast.. «
Sarah Onat
Bottega Barlie
» Safari is a casual dining spot. Sometimes I can't understand how they can serve food so good for those prices. There is always a good vibe and I could eat their romesco and bread every day! «
Mads Battefeld
Sushi Anaba
» I love to come to Safari to enjoy an unpretentious, well-tasting dinner in low key surroundings. Nice affordable wine selection, loud hip hop & nice hospitality! Also have good friends working there so it feels very homely to me! Take the Set Menu which is very cheap, choose a nice bottle of wine, & sit back & enjoy yourself. Don't ask to turn down the music (don't be that person) & always start with a Negroni! «
Philip Jae Worth Jacobsen
Café Dyrehaven


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